In the summer of 2023 I hosted a 6-week series for coffee professionals looking to increase and improve their Spanish vocabulary in a variety of areas.

Each week, we’d meet to learn more about different parts of Spanish grammar, pronunciation, and other parts of speech before diving into vocabulary and practice conversations.

It was such a fun series, and I was so excited to host this class again. With the demise of GoFundBean I’m not sure I’ll be able to!

For now, I’m making the handouts from each class available for purchase. If you’d be interested in joining another SFCP series, please let me know!

Build your sensory skills

Unlock the full potential of your taste buds with our comprehensive guide, "Candy + Coffee: A Sensory Journey." Dive into the science of taste and smell, learn how to expand your sensory vocabulary, and develop a refined palate to appreciate the intricate flavors of coffee. Whether you're a coffee enthusiast or a professional cupper, this guide provides the tools and knowledge you need to elevate your sensory skills. Perfect for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of flavor, this guide is your key to mastering the language of coffee.

Download now and start your journey to becoming a coffee connoisseur!