Learn to use the SCA CUpping form

Why the SCA Cupping Form?

Q Graders certified through the Coffee Quality Institute will continue using the SCA “Heritage” Form for the foreseeable future - it’s an essential tool in the arsenal of every coffee evaluator, and the primary skill set for any certified Q Grader.

This class takes a detailed look at each of the attributes in this cupping form, showing students exactly how to fill the form out correctly and thoroughly. Students will leave feeling confident in their use of form and ready to use this invaluable tool in their next cupping!

  • the sca cupping form.png

    Using the SCA Cupping Form

    In this class we’l learn to:

    • Fill out the 2004 SCA Cupping Form correctly and consistently, every time

    • Understand why we use the SCA Cupping Form for Coffee Quality Evaluation

    • Review each of the 7 attributes included in the Form and how to evaluate them

    • Understand how to approach and score cup defects using the Form

    • Learn to cup coffee like a Q Grader